Fixing audio delays in desktop Linux

I’ve been experiencing a weird issue lately with several of my Arch Linux desktop machines: a short delay when audio starts playing. It appears to persist across different desktop environments and sound outputs so I suspect there is a software issue somewhere.

The source still isn’t clear to me and I tried various solutions I’d looked around online for but they didn’t help. Eventually I found this post:

I hate that this is what it came to, but I can only hope it can get fixed upstream.

Install sox: sudo pacman -S sox

Paste this into the file ~/.config/systemd/user/continuous-silence.service:

Description=Continuous silence

ExecStart=/usr/bin/play -qn


Run: systemctl --user enable --now continuous-silence

That should do it. A horrible workaround, but the sound delay was getting really annoying as it disrupts the flow of videos I watch and music I play.